USS Liberty Survivors: Our Story describes the USS Liberty incident through eyewitness accounts of the survivors. It is the only video account free from the Orwellian doublespeak that has obscured the event since June 8, 1967, when Israeli jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats brutally attacked the USS Liberty in international waters. The attack lasted more than two hours, killing 54 Americans and wounding 171 others -- and it inflicted over 800 rocket and torpedo holes in the ship. When the USS Liberty refused to sink, Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts and sent in troop-carrying helicopters to finish the job. Details of the attack were hushed up in both countries. Israel claimed that her forces mistook the USS Liberty for an Egyptian ship; America quietly accepted that excuse despite evidence to the contrary. The facts have been covered up, and have never been told on video -- until now. Now learn the truth from the men who lived through it!

USS Liberty Memorial

The USS Liberty Memorial web site is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died On June 8, 1967.

Purchase the DVD

The facts have been covered up and have never been told on video -- until now. Learn the truth from the men who lived through it!

USS Liberty Veterans Association

On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel.